Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.
--Babs Hoffman
Outdoor photographers in the 21st-century, we live in a world of uncertainties. I am writing this article to ensure you that there are many ways to lessen the hassles of traveling nowadays. Ever since the horrible disaster that America has faced with September 11, 2001, our security has been beefed up at our airports with professional federal employee, these young & mature men and women as I have personally observed are friendly and courtesy and do their job extremely well. I had never had any problems with these professional. Before I go on a photo trip I usually start planning well in advance within a year to six months before I depart, I do major researching on the Internet, as well as networking through the photographic organizations I belong to. I truly fine this valuable information to contact photographers who live in the area. I do 90% of my bookings online I find this to be the quickest and easiest way, after I have the hotel, car, and a home-based hotel. I do not book Airlines online due to the fact I do not want to be surprised, I preferred to have a fixed schedule 95% of the time I can book the airline at the same price from online. I'll also FedEx all of my photographic equipment and film, as with my film which is placed in x-ray bags I do not worry, besides, I take all my film an tape the box at the FedEx center. So if they want they can check the contents of the box. I have never had any problems with federal express, and if you follow the instructions that I am going to give you'll have no worries whatsoever. But I assure you my very expensive photographic equipment is safely delivered to the home-based hotel. I have read and seeing so many articles and suggestions on this topic. I just had to show you the best way and put it a nutshell. Granite the majority of the articles I have read are insulting your intelligence, its commonsense. Please Note: that these guidelines and suggestions are for domestic travel and if you're into outdoor photography, this will benefit you greatly. So here are my guidelines and suggestions to the outdoor photographer for the 21st-century with great success.
In the beginning:
. Intense research- (at least six months-a year)
. Networking- (within professional organizations)
. Budgeting- ($200 a month for six to 12 months)
In the beginning these are the three keys: intense research, networking, and budgeting. Researching which includes: Internet, mappings, literature, brochures, professional photographers, commerce, national wildlife refuge, travel agents, all of this takes time that is why I personally take the time at least six months to a year to research the area or areas of interest. Networking: if you belong to a well organization like the Photographic Society of America or North America Nature Photography Association or any other well-established organization you have the great benefit of your membership to network. By contacting photographers who are in the area that you desire to visit, besides I have personally met new and wonderful people who are like-minded by networking. Budgeting: now this is the tough part, I personally put $200.00 a month aside for photo travels for six to 12 months this gives me plenty of money to participate in activities I so desire, I do not stay in luxury hotels or rent luxury cars nor, do I have luxury meals. By all means I stay at hotels that are clean, and I usually try to get rooms with a refrigerator and I usually shop at local grocery stores, this way if I am in hot climate I can keep my film cool, and have some food also. If a refrigerator is not available I would use the air condition to keep at least the film cool, I usually buy salads, and slimfast, so refrigerator or an air condition does me find.
Part Two:
. Confirm- (confirm reservations)
. Photographic equipment- (cleaning, testing, packing)
. Locating drop-off center- (FedEx in my case)
. Reconfirm- (double checking)
. Clothes- (pack for ideal climate)
. Weather- (forecasting for the area)
. Paperwork- (any and all)
. Lab Bags- (transparencies and prints)
. Emergency /Meds- (first aid kit & prescription medications)
. Other equipment- (gsp, cell, two radio, cb hand held, laptop chains/locks)
Part two, and with these nine keys: confirm, photographic equipment, location for drop-off, Reconfirm, clothes, weather, paperwork, lab bags, emergency meds. Confirm: this is where you will call, hotel, airline, car rental, and hotel(s)-(home-based). Photographic equipment: this key could continuously be dragged on but I will put it all in a nutshell. First of all if you are going to use a carrier service like I do you're going to need to set up an account. I know that federal express is free to set up an account; if you do not have an account with a carrier service I strongly suggest you get one. So let's say you do have an account. What we need to do now is to have our shipping container and camera case and equipment ready to pack safely I bubble wrap each piece of equipment that is most fragile. Drop-off center: I also know were the drop-off center is from the home base, you can do I web search or call 800 numbers. Reconfirm: well this is commonsense do I really need to explain this one? But make sure you get a confirmation number from the hotel of where you will be staying for your photo adventure, placed this number somewhere on the shipping container, but only for the first hotel base. If you're going to be using multiple hotels you can transport the equipment in your rental car to the next hotel. Clothes: pack for ideal climate, forecast, watch the weather channel for your forecast, at least 2 weeks prior to your departure, this will give you an ideal of what to expect. Paperwork: make sure you have copies of any prescription medications you may need, also have any photographic lab paperwork, always have copies of your itinerary, and your state maps and or road atlas, plus your instruction manuals for your photographic equipment. I still prefer shoot transparencies I feel that Digital photography is more or less point and shoot. Remember back when you had them Polaroid cameras, well that's basically what Digital photography is. I still prefer to use my mind and skill and education. For the photographic lab bags, are consist of bubble bags and I use the bags to mail film from my home base hotel to the laboratory, I also carry an organizer that has all the photographic numbers and other important numbers I need, as well as other information, always be prepared. Emergency/meds: it's always good ideal to have a small first aid kit available specially when you're out in the field, and by all means use commonsense, always have your medical card, blood type, Social Security number, driver's license, any medications you are taking. Have it written down and placed somewhere on your person, you never know if you travel alone like I do, what happens if you're unconscious? Well, at least the medical emergency personnel will have some information. Other equipment: I use a GSP unit as well as a compass this help me stay on track and find my way back. I also use and have my cell phone, CB radio which gives me constant updates on weather, I also like to use a 7 foot chain with locks to secure the shipping case and camera case in the home base hotel.
At the airport hotel:
This is the first leg of the trip; I usually stay at the airport the day before departure. I truly believe that by staying at the airport hotel the night before is less stressful than rushing around the day of. The first things I do is check-in and ask for a wakeup call, approximately 4 a.m. I catch the early flights. I then catch the shuttle bus that will bring me to the departure gates of my chosen airline.
At the airport:
If you catch the earliest flight to your destination, which I always do. There are fewer passengers at these early times. The check-in counter usually opens about 5 a.m. at least the one I use, always check to be sure, the only thing I check in our my clothes bag which also contains my tripod and some other inexpensive equipment, per this writing transit authority now have locks you can purchase which they have the key too, this is usually a combination lock,this way if bags are in question the transit authority can open your bag without destroying it. My, carry on would include my laptop, cell phone, money, ticket, credit cards, and perhaps a book. As you're getting ready to go through security be prepared to have your ticket and driver's license out and ready, it is amazing to see people stumbling around to get their driver's license out. Also prepare to take off your shoes, I wear running pants and docksider easy to slip off, take everything out of your pockets put them in the plastic bowl, take out your laptop put that in a separate container and walk through the metal detector simple right? Wrong, if every passenger did this we would not have to stand in line very long just for commonsense. I would like to note to pack your tripod in you're checked luggage bag any non-fragile item w/clothes. I usually have the biggest duffel bag I can find. May your travels be a pleasant one.
Resources: helpful website
Danielle's CASE Company: specializes in carrying cases, shipping cases and wheeled cases designed to transport your equipment with care.
Transportation Security Administration: A MUST for anyone traveling by air.
Federal Express: open an account or conduct business with any FedEx
Photographic Society of America: Travel Aid We are a worldwide interactive organization for anyone interested in photography, be they casual or serious amateurs or professional photographers.
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